Tuesday, September 1, 2009


We are getting closer and closer to our 6-Week Challenge. Next week, all week, we will be doing initial body composition tests on all those who are participating in the Challenge...after that, on a weekly basis, we will be doing updated body comp tests on the participants and recording percent change. I will post weekly results on this website and in paper form at our class right up until the final "weigh-ins" the week of October 12th (Friday, October 16th will be the last day for weigh-ins).

You'll want to stay tuned to this website because there will be posts for menu ideas, website ideas, shopping lists, exercise ideas, and encouraging other tidbits. This is an open forum for all classmates--look for future posts by Michele M. regarding her watch/chest strap system and how that's helped her track and maintain calories/exercise, as well as a post from Wendy B. on shopping and cooking ideas for the active person.

If anyone has any other ideas and would like to post themselves or have me do it, let me know @ adam@clubnw.com or rapidbodysculpting@gmail.com and we will get them out!

Happy September!


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